Push back against 15 minute cities isn’t about proximity to coffee shops or schools, it’s about trust.
The pandemic presents an opportunity to recreate downtowns that cultivate life beyond the office.
Toronto’s best chance to solve the housing crisis might be to copy the British rowing team.
Developers aren't too greedy to build attainable housing. In fact, if Toronto can effectively reform its zoning bylaws they're too greedy not to.
Order without Design: How Markets Shape Cities by Alain Bertaud is my favourite book on urban planning.
Densifying big cities is the low hanging fruit in the fight against climate change. Building more homes and increasing their population is the most impactful thing cities can do for the climate.
Waterfront Toronto recently agreed to evaluate the smart city proposal for Toronto’s Quayside neighbourhood submitted by Google affiliate, Sidewalk Labs.
Home ownership has become a wedge that lifts those who can afford to buy in and crushes those who can’t.
Can the Province’s Housing Affordability Task Force recommendations change the way housing works?